Positive Birth Jersey

“You can do this... You can do anything you put your mind to! Here are the skills you need - just breathe, just relax and know that your body will do it!”

Positive Birth Jersey was established with the aim of providing parents and birth partners with knowledge, tools and techniques to build positivity, strength and confidence in pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

I first met May from Positive Birth Jersey on the MOTHERHOOD shoot. Little did May know that I had found out I was pregnant with my second child just the day before. Fast forward many weeks later and I had booked a one on one refresher course with Positive Birth Jersey which was invaluable in the birth of my baby boy. Fast forward anoter few months and I am pushing my baby in his pram whilst on the phone to May discussing the plan for the Positive Birth Jersey promotional film she wanted to create.

This was an absolute joy to produce, film and edit. I greatly enjoyed meeting the different families and it was also fun to witness a group class, taking me back to those pre-baby days when you could only imagine what your baby’s face will look like. I believe in positive birth 100% and was very proud to creat this film which not only promotes May’s company but also promotes the fact that you can have a positive birth experience. Something which many mothers to be need to hear more of.

Thank you to everyone that made this film possible.

To learn more about Positive Birth Jersey please visit their website.


Falling For Autumn

